Representation in the EU

Since Latvia’s accession to the European Union (EU), the main work on many issues important for business representatives takes place in the EU institutions in Brussels.

In order to ensure competitiveness of Latvia and its companies in the EU Single Market and internationally, it is important to participate in the development of the EU policy and legislative initiatives.

Employers’ Confederation of Latvia (LDDK) takes active part in development and implementation of the EU policy and legislative projects in line with the interests of Latvia’s national economy and companies.

In order to implement these tasks, LDDK cooperates with Latvia’s ministries and employers’ organizations in the EU member states in line with the current regulations that stipulate preparation of Latvia’s opinion at different stages of decision making in the EU.

LDDK as a national social partner contributes to defining Latvia’s positions on the EU policy and legislative projects, represents the opinion of LDDK members – employers – in a consultation process with Latvian ministries.

While developing policy and legislative projects, the European Commission conducts consultations with a number of stakeholders, including European and member states’ social partners, as well as other EU institutions and agencies, obtaining significant technical information about the possible impact of the initiatives on the respective sectors and stakeholders.

LDDK is represented in the following European Commission’s committees:

  • European Social Fund Committee
  • Social Dialogue Committee
  • Advisory Committee on Safety and Health at Work
  • Advisory Committee on Vocational Training
  • Advisory Committee on Free Movement of Workers
  • Advisory Committee for the Coordination of Social Security Systems


There are three so-called tripartite agencies in which social partner organizations participate.

LDDK is represented in tripartite boards of the following EU agencies:

  • European Foundation for the improvement of living and working conditions, EUROFOUND
  • European Agency for health and safety at work, OSHA
  • European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, Cedefop

Triparteism  of Eurofound, EU-OSHA un Cedefop is high-quality comprehensive approach, based on a social dialogue among social partners, the EU and public institutions, and it is very important in finding common and sustainable social and economic solutions.




The European BUSINESSEUROPE business confederation is the voice and representative of interests of European businesses when the European Union takes decisions. Read more


The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) provides consultations to the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament when it comes to the taking of decisions. Read more

 European Commission

The advisory committees of the European Commission and its agencies are forums of independent experts, with participants offering recommendations and advice in the drafting of European Union legislation, also providing information about problems related to the implementation of the legislative acts in member states. Read more

Regional co-operation

The LDDK pursues regional co-operation under the framework of the European Union’s macro-level strategy for the Baltic Sea region, also working with confederations of employers so as to facilitate entrepreneurship and to come up with joint positions on the relevant issues. Read more