International representation
One of the LDDK’s most important tasks is to facilitate the emergence of a favourable business environment, defending regulations at the international level that facilitate entrepreneurship, the development of the private sector and the creation of jobs. The LDDK can offer substantial support to Latvia’s business community when it comes to strengthening the competitiveness of enterprises in the international environment.
The opportunity to represent interests before international organisations must be fully utilised in order to pursue potential related to a democratic society, social market economy and good governance in Latvia. In order to make full use of opportunities that relate to social dialogue at the international level, it is important to understand the organisation’s interests and responsibilities. At the international level, organisations of social partners are of particular importance in representing the interests of their members – employers and companies – when decisions are made.
Thanks to Latvia’s membership in international organisations and the international obligations that the country has undertaken, the regulatory framework for entrepreneurship is shaped by international organisations. The LDDK is actively involved in international organisations that represent the interests of employers so as to ensure the development of a favourable business environment at the international level. For this reason, the LDDK works with the government, as well as organisations of employers from other countries so as to develop bilateral and multilateral co-operation. The LDDK represents and defends the economic, social and professional interests of its members in the international arena.
The International Labour Organisation is a United Nations agency that supervises labour-related issues at the international level.
The International Organisation of Employers represents the interests of employers at the international level, also dealing with aspects of social policy and taking part in the work of the International Labour Organisation. Read more
The Global Compact is a United Nations initiative that includes ten principles that are aimed at strengthening the social responsibility of companies, also encouraging businesses to observe human rights and work conditions, to protect the environment, and to oppose corruption. Read more
Business at OECD
The Business and Industry Advisory Committee is an independent organisation that operates under the auspices of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Read more