Social dialogue

The Employers’ Confederation of Latvia (LDDK) is the only organization representing employers in dialogue with the Government of Latvia and trade unions.

The LDDK as a national social partner is devoted to bipartite dialogue with trade unions and is also devoted to tripartite dialogue with the government. The LDDK practices the exercise of freedom of association and balancing various interests, thereby developing civil society and contributing to the further democratization of society.

The LDDK as a national social partner participates in European social dialogue, representing the interests of Latvian enterprises and ensuring the implementation of the agreements signed by the EU social partners in Latvia.

The LDDK is represented in the International Organization of Labour (ILO) – the only tripartite United Nations agency with government, employers, and workers representatives.

Social dialogue is a pattern for balancing interests that ensures social stability in the country. It is an advisory mechanism between participating parties: the Government, employers and trade unions. In Europe social dialogue is considered to be an integral part of a democratic state and one of the most important means of insuring stability and good relations in the labour market.

Latvia must aim for an objective where, at the company level, the employer and the employees work together, based on the principle of partnership. The government should support advanced employers, who want motivated employees to achieve business objectives and employees who are aware of their opportunities and rights.

The development of social dialogue at the municipality level is an important factor in ensuring a smooth development of regions in Latvia and the local governments, since successful cooperation between employees, employers and local governments fosters a stable development of the business environment, which in turn contributes to regional development.

The Employers’ Confederation of Latvia (LDDK) and Free Trade Union Federation of Latvia (LBAS) signed the first General Agreement in 2004, the day before Latvia joined the EU. Given Latvia’s rapid economic development and new challenges, the two organizations agreed on priorities and common objectives for the next period: to promote mutual cooperation to develop bipartite social dialogue and sustainable economic development, work together in areas of employment policy, labour law, and labour protection, in setting wage growth rates and the non-taxable minimum.

A decision was made by the two organisations to sign a new General Agreement in early 2007, desiring to continue and extend the successful cooperation to date in the creation of a favourable socio-economic environment and in the provision of social peace. The Employers’ Confederation of Latvia (LDDK) and Free Trade Union Federation of Latvia (LBAS) agreed to work together at international, European, national, local, sectoral, and company levels to achieve common objectives that are aimed at promoting the sustainable development of the Latvian economy; creating favourable social conditions and promoting the welfare of the population; improving the culture of employment relations and the working environment and building a strong organised civil society.

In 2013 the Employers’ Confederation of Latvia (LDDK) and Free Trade Union Federation of Latvia (LBAS) renewed the General Agreement. Both organisations agreed to continue to develop cooperation and promote bipartite and tripartite social dialogue in the development of policy planning documents and legislative projects in education, employment, labour law, labour protection, social security, equal opportunities, financial – economic, environmental, transport and social development, and corporate social responsibility areas.

The Parties agree that the prerequisite for defining common objectives and interests and on action up to 2020 is the sustainable development of the Latvian economy, which in order to ensure competitive jobs and adequate wages, requires increasing productivity and efficiency, implementing structural reforms, creating products and services with high added value.

Today the LDDK is part of the driving force to strengthen autonomous bipartite sectoral social dialogue even further and more practically strengthen the principle of freedom of associations. The LDDK works to support the ability of employers and their associations to take responsibility for addressing industry-related issues in dialogue with industry workers representatives, balancing different interests and contributing to the sustainable future of Latvian society and economy.

National Tripartite Co-operation Council

The National Tripartite Co-operation Council is a national social dialogue institution involving delegated representatives of the Latvian government, the Employers’ Confederation of Latvia (LDDK), and the Free Trade Union Confederation of Latvia (LBAS). Read more

Role of the social partners in the European Semester