Latvian employers for green and digital transition

Employers' Confederation of Latvia (LDDK) is implementing implementing the European Commission grant project "Latvian employers for green and digital transition".    Project ID: 101102266 (LDDK_GDT).  Project duration: 01.09.2023 – 28.02.2025. (18 months)  Granting authority: European Comission. Associate partner: BusinessEurope.  Project overview:   Project goal: Employers' Confederation of Latvia (LDDK) aims at supporting the results of the EU […]

Employers' Confederation of Latvia (LDDK) is implementing implementing the European Commission grant project "Latvian employers for green and digital transition".   

Project ID: 101102266 (LDDK_GDT). 

Project duration: 01.09.2023 – 28.02.2025. (18 months) 

Granting authority: European Comission. Associate partner: BusinessEurope. 

Project overview:  

Project goal: Employers' Confederation of Latvia (LDDK) aims at supporting the results of the EU social dialogue achieved to be
promoted and implemented at national level and provide support to industry in the process of digital and green transition
and adaptation.

Project activities:  

  1. Implementation of EU Social Partners Agreements in Latvia: Framework Agreement on Digitalisation in the World of Work of June 2020;
  2. Support to industries in green transformation: Adaptation of the EU Green Deal and Fit for 55 legislative package to the needs and realities of national economy and industry transition to climate-neutral economy, including green skills and green jobs, adaptation of the labour market, and just transition;
  3. Communication and promotion of project activities, and reinforcement of the impact and visibility of the European social dialogue outcomes.

At least 109 sector leaders – companies which employ more than 50 employees – and 62 sector-based and regional business associations and federations employing and thus representing 44% of all employees in Latvia will benefit from the project activities

The project will provide maintained and improved capacity of the LDDK as the largest association of employers’ organisations in Latvia and national social partner organisation to pursue social dialogue in digital and green policy areas and adaptation of the labour market in support to the industry and implementation of relevant policy initiatives: a European Green Deal (transition to climate neutrality) and digitalisation.

Project results:  

Digital transition:  

  1. Consult industry of Latvia and provide legal expertise on various aspects related to digital transformation*;
  2. Implement EU Social Partners Framework Agreement on Digitalisation in the World of Work in Latvia; 
  3. Mapping Latvian industry on investments in digital skills, work organization, connection and disconnection modalities and procedures, working conditions, adaptation of the labour market etc;
  4. Webinars (five) to raise awareness of Latvian employers on international best practice in the area.  

*labour rights, health and safety at work, adaptation of work organisation, education and training, adaptation of employment modalities and introduction of new forms of work and legislation.

Green transformation:  

  1. Consult industry of Latvia and provide legal expertise and representation in policy process on various aspects related to green transformation*; 
  2. Mapping Latvian industry on investments in green transition and ability to reduce CO2 emissions in more cost effective and efficient way, demand and supply for green skills and green jobs for greener future, adaptation of the labour market, and just transition etc;
  3. Webinars (pieci) to raise awareness of Latvian employers on international best practice in the area.  

*climate and energy; national economy, finances and taxes; education, training and employment, social policy/security and adaptation of the labour market and legislation

Horizontal aspects:  

  1. International hybrid conference on the role of employer’ organisations in supporting industries: green and digital transformation (30 years of experience and a view of the challenges for the next 30 years)
  2. Enhanced communication and reinforcement of the impact and visibility of the European social dialogue outcomes in the area in Latvia.

Project manager: Linards Zvaigzne; [email protected]

Īstenošanas termiņš
2023. gada 1. septembris – 2025. gada 28. februāris
Eiropas Komisija
Kopējā projekta summa
649 671.90 EUR

Sadarbības partneri


Contact Information

Rihards Blese
Expert on policy planning documents
Linards Zvaigzne
Project manager
Agris Bojārs
Membership relations
Arta Dimbiere
Energy and climate expert
Jānis Hermanis
Expert on finance and taxes
Sintija Sējēja
Expert of International and EU Affairs
Pēteris Leiškalns
Adviser of social affairs and social security
Anete Neilande
Lawyer, Labour Law Expert
